Wednesday, November 15, 2006

My Icky Eye...Oh yes, The Never Ending Story

So I once again tried the, "ignore it and it will go away" method of dealing with my eyeball. This only resulted in my eye getting worse. It doesnt like to be ignored, and like an obsessive ex-girlfriend, my icky eye keeps reminding me its still there.

Ive had several bloodtests recently to check my thyroid. My doctor seems convinced something is wrong with it. She said she is concerned about Graves Disease. Me...? Not so much. Even tho one of the symptoms is red bulging eyes. Im still going to do the thyroid scan this thursday. I go in to the hospital I swallow some radioactive iodine. I then go back 4 hours later and have a scan done of my thyroid. The iodine will have made its way through all my veins and organs and it will highlight the problem area - if any!

My preliminary bloodtests were not off the charts by any means. Which suggests that Graves is not an issue. Im still within the normal range - just high-normal. Also a symptom of Graves and hyperthyroidism is unexplained weightloss. *blinks* Well THAT certainly isnt happening! I just have an icky, rebellious, unrelenting eyeball.


Anonymous said...

I wish your icky eye away!!!

Grace said...

Porcine tablets work like a charm. I get it from and it really helps ease my feeling of anxiety. Studies show that low thyroid levels can lead to or exacerbate depression. It has no side effects.