Sunday, November 19, 2006

Ok, Here's My Secret

I wasnt going to tell anyone this. And even as Im typing now, Im not even sure Im going to press the "publish" button. But I feel like trying to take this step in telling people.

I am having weight loss surgery.

This decision didnt come lightly. In fact for a long time I thought that surgery was way too drastic for almost anyone. I began researching WLS after I started researching PCOS. (Almost two years ago.) WLS is the only thing that comes close to curing PCOS. This is for several reasons. 1) PCOS makes it VERY difficult to lose weight. However, losing weight allieviates some of the symptoms. WLS makes it easier for someone who has PCOS to lose weight. Although, WLS is no where NEAR the easy way to do it. 2) The type of WLS I am having is called RNY Distal. (See Below.)

The Roux-en-y (or RNY) falls under the area of bariatric bypass surgery and is the most common gastric bypass procedure. In short, the RNY procedure reduces the size of your stomach and reroutes the digestive system.
Three major steps are involved in the RNY procedure: first, the stomach is stapled just below the esophagus, forming a 1-2 ounce stomach pouch above the staples.
The second step includes the division of the small intestines about one foot below the stomach. Then a new 1.5 centimeter opening (stoma) is created in the stomach pouch.
Finally, the open end of the small intestines is attached to the new opening. Food and fluids can now pass from the stomach pouch into the small intestines. The remaining end of the small intestines forms a "Y-shaped" intestinal junction at the base of the stomach. An opening is made to allow digestive juices from the bypassed part of the stomach to flow into the small intestines.

In this instance, "Distal" refers to the amount of small intestines that my surgery will be bypassing. Its the most amount of small intestines that can be bypassed. The reason this is important in my case is because the section of intestines that will be bypassed includes where sugar is absorbed by the human body. My body incorrectly processes sugar and food in general. Because of PCOS, my body turns absolutely everything into sugar, and of course, excess sugar = fat. So, instead of my body incorrectly processing sugar, it wont process it AT ALL. What this means is, after the surgery, I cant eat sugar. AT ALL. If I do, I will get extremely sick. Vomiting, diarrhea, sweating, elevated heart rate and blood pressure are the symptoms of whats called Dumping Syndrome. Basically your body is dumping out what it cant process. Its very painful - Ive seen my Aunt Donna go through it about 5 minutes after eating BBQ sauce that contained sugar. It wasnt easy to see her in so much pain, and I now am a witness of what will happen if I indulge in chocolate.
Emotionally, I feel like I am prepared to do the surgery. Taking this final step in telling people by broadcasting it on my blog is what I feel like - my final preparation. Its been such a long time coming and only VERY few people knew about it. I feel like Im coming out of the closet! HAHA So if you are feeling slighted that I didnt include you, please dont be. No one knew as I prepared. Aunt Donna knew first because she herself is one year out from her surgery - so I picked her brain like mad. My husband, my parents, my sister, and two other very close individuals to me are the only ones who knew about it - and they only got to know about a month ago. For those of you who I told I was having gall bladder surgery, I didnt lie. LOL They are taking my gall bladder out at the same time. I just omitted... Im sorry. :-)
Ive been overweight in some capacity all my life. It makes sense now that as the PCOS got more extreme, so did my weight. In preparation and research for my decision, I came across some interesting statistics. Only 5% of people who lose any kind of weight keep it off for over 5 years. Think about it....who do you know lost some weight - only to have it come back, (plus more), within 5 years? I only know one person who has kept weight off for that long. Carol L. She is awesome and VERY disciplined. She looks amazing! But that isnt the normal, and I know she constantly works at it. Ok, take some like me who has PCOS, and hereditary issues like the obesity gene, diabetes and thyroid disease. Someone who has all those strikes against them only has a 1% success rate of keeping weight off. Oh, and of that 5% of people who are successful?.... some of those are made up of people who have had WLS. So... this decision became a no-brainer on tail end of almost 2 years of research.
Life after surgery for me will be drastically different. Not just because of what I will be eating. Because the surgery causes extreme malabsorbtion issues, I will need to take vitamin supplements and protein drinks every day for the rest of my life. For the first 8 weeks I will be putting nothing in my body but water, clear liquids like broth, sugar free jello, and crystal light, vitamins and protein drinks. I will be taking about 22 pills a day, plus powdered calcium. Im a weenie at taking pills too, it will be a challenge!
I suppose I will eventually be posting pictures so you all can see my progress. Right now, Im not that brave for you all to see pics - or know the magic numbers. I know most of you see me often, but still...seeing my chub and my chub number on the internet is not something I want to do. HA
So...wish me luck and pray for me. My surgery is scheduled for Tuesday November 21st. TWO DAYS!


Pangadoo said...

I don't know if anyone will read this comment.. but I wanted Staci's friends to know that she made it out of surgery fine and is recovering. All is well. She will probably update you as soon as she can get back to her computer. Juju misses her. I don't know how long "Mommy is at the doctor" will last, but so far so good.
Holly (Staci's Sister)

Anonymous said...

Holly.....thanks for the update. I am very proud of Staci! The weight thing is a never ending battle for LOTS of us......and always will be. I'm looking forward to hearing from Staci. Holly, you are a great, supportive sister!

Anonymous said...

Oh my god I wish I would have read sooner! Its been a whole week! I hope you are doing well and I wish you SOOOO much luck Staci... you deserve this!