Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Small Update

Just letting you all know Im home and recovering. There was no complications. I wasnt prepared for the pain as I typically think of myself as Superwoman when it comes to things that hurt. Im told Im dealing with more pain than a typical surgery because they completed three "surgeries" in one. Gastric bypass, gallbladder removal and hernea repair. I will write more when Im able to sit here longer. Thanks for all the well wishes.


Pangadoo said...

You are Supersisser! Love you.

Anonymous said...

Sending lots of get better heal and whatever else you need vibes ~*~*~*~*~*~ :-D

Love ya dogg haha.... I'd send you a cyber hug but would that hurt?

Anonymous said...

Good to hear from you....been thinking about you lots. Can't wait to hear stories and how everything is going.
Take care....

Anonymous said...

Love you Aunt Staci u r the best!

Pangadoo said...

Don't swallow your toothpaste