Wednesday, June 28, 2006

You've Got To Be Kidding Me

Im going to try really hard not to make this blog entry a rant about Catholism. Mostly out of respect for anyone who reads this that is Catholic. I find many things about that sect of Christianity absolutely ridiculous and even damaging to people's spiritual well-being. But, I will try not to go there....

Instead I will focus on this.

What I find most disturbing is not that he seems to blame everyone around him for his transgressions, including the parents of the individuals he molested and raped - but the fact the catholic church knew all about his crimes, and did nothing about it. No, wait...not only did NOTHING, but kept crucial information from authorities that enabled O'Grady to continue to abuse children for years. They schleped him around from parish to parish to cover up the allegations and all the while giving him new and unsuspecting victims to prey on. I can only hope that God has a special place for them also...maybe as victims of O'Grady himself someday in hell.

While I know O'Grady is the lowest of disgusting creations, I dont feel much different about the church officials that enabled him to continue his abuse than I would about a mother who turns her head to the abuse that a father or step-father inflicts on their children. To me, the individuals who could have stopped O'Grady, and didnt, are the same as the monsters who buy and sell children for prostitution or, at most flattering, the slimy pimp on the street corner. Vile.

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