Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Oh Yeah! The Blog!

I have been awful about keeping up on this lately. Not that Ive really forgotten about it...my life just hasnt been interesting lately. Well...wait - I take that back. Lots has been happening, just nothing I can publicly talk about. There is one major thing going on in my life....it really has nothing to do with anyone else but me, but its big - to me. However, only a few (and by few I mean 4) people know about it and I like to keep it that way. So basically I just wrote that to let you know Im going thru something huge and you dont get to know. Neener!

Jubilee started Pre-Three School last week. She loves school. At this age school is nothing more than play, crafts, singing and reading...but she loves the interaction with other kids. I stay home so day care to us means grandma takes her overnight to give me a break occasionally. Socialization will be something I need to work at with Jubilee since Im hoping to either home school or some how afford private school. Jubilee loves to socialize, but getting the opportunity to do so is another thing. So in addition to school this year, we have started going to Pre-K Play Zone. Its sort of like Ghettosville's version of Gymboree. We show up 3 times a week to tumble and play with other kids. Jubilee is totally digging it. She is the only kid in both preschool and Play Zone that is potty trained.

Speaking of being potty trained, Jubilee continues to have no accidents most days. She had one due to being sick to her tummy, ( THAT was fun to clean), and you could tell she felt horrible about it. She kept crying, "My panties! Oh noooo my ponies, my panties!!!" (She was wearing My Little Pony panties.) When we are in the car and she says she has to go potty, I tell her to hold it and she will clasp her hands together really tight and say, "I hold it!!", and she makes it to the big girl potty once we get home. Good think everything in Ghettosville is only 10 mins away. The next step is potty training for night time. Im still waiting for her to wake up with a dry pull-up. Now may be the time to change the crib over to the toddler bed so she can get up when she needs to go potty. Am I ready for her to be uncorralled at nighttime?! ACK!

Jubilee has been two for 4 months now. I keep waiting for "the terrible twos" and they just arent happening. ....yet anyway. Jubilee really is a good kid, easy to discipline and seems to be learning manners and lessons. I know this will change at different ages and phases, but I guess I just keep waiting for it. Dont get me wrong, she spends time in The Naughty Chair with her nose on the wall, but I havent yet seen the big temper tantrum or any acting out that you normally see at this age. Makes me wonder whats coming! HAHA Some say it isnt the The Terrible Twos at all, and really its The Terrible Threes. We shall see.

One other notable thing I must brag about is I have given up soda. Some of you may be saying, "yeah...so....?", but if you only knew how addicted I was to Diet Mt. Dew, you would be patting me on the back! I used to drink at least 3 a day and at any given time had what seemed like 100 cans littering my computer desk. But I knew I was not getting enough water and in an effort to be more healthy, I decided it was time. I mourned for a day, then just quit cold turkey with caffiene withdrawl headaches that would bring a masochists to their knees for about a week. I now drink nothing but crystal light and water and I dont even miss Diet Mt. Dew!

Ok, Im done boring you with the trivial details of my life.....for now...:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I luv u auntie Staci!!!!!!!!!!!!!