Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Oh What a Weekend!

It was Labor Day weekend. The big last hurrah for the camping ho's in our family. At first I didnt want to go....the last camping trip I had was ...well... not so fun. So I adamately proclaimed I wasnt attending this last big get-together. However, as I previously reported, Holly promised to eat a pickle if I camped.

The Pickle Eating was the first thing on the agenda. Afterall, I had to have incentive to stay. Before leaving town, I stopped at the store and got a giant pickle....the biggest I could find. No way was Holly getting away with just eating a baby kosher dill. Nope. She was going to consume a Big Papa Dill. It was roughly the size of a 16 oz. water bottle packaged in a plastic bag with neon yellow pickle juice. I love pickles and it looked grody even to me. The juice was thick and turned her tongue and teeth an icky shade of puke green. She of course immediately regretted her promise, and begged to not have to eat it, but what kind of sister would I be if I let her take back her promise!?

Oh What a Weekend Continued in Next Post....


Anonymous said...

Oh no! And when I came camping I was going to make Holly my famous Pickletini, damn!


Anonymous said...

Jack, you HAVE to come camping with us. Not only will we corrupt your children, but will give you a different hangover everyday!

Anonymous said...

That made me laugh out loud!