Friday, July 14, 2006

The Drunk Stages of Aunt Donna

This weekend marks the annual Botts/McGinley family reunion and I am so excited. First of all, while we camp all the time throughout the summer with family, this is the only camping trip that my Dad's side of the family joins us. Life and very little time always gets in the way, so the third weekend in July is always set aside for everyone to get together.

Why is this more exciting than other camping trips? Lots of reasons. I get to see family I dont see very often, we usually camp at Salt Creek - which is not one of our normal spots, and mostly ...because its the one time of year that Aunt Donna gets so drunk she can barely walk or talk. First off, Aunt Donna does embarressing and hilarious things almost daily. She is just that type of person. She is constantly doing things to humiliate herself...and not on purpose. Add alcohol to that dynamic and you have one entertaining weekend. Its better than Jackass on steroids.

This is a series of pictures from a years past family reunion of Aunt Donna drinking. You can see her get progressively drunk as time goes on....

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting This is the first margarita. No problem.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting By now she's probably had 2 or 3. The hysterical and uncontrollable laughing has begun. This is also the Incoherant Talk stage. She sounds like a mixture of a cat screeching and Beaker from the Muppet Show. No one can understand her.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting This is what I like to call The Oblivious Stage. In these pictures it was her birthday and her birthday crown was falling from her angelic head. ....and she was totally oblivious.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting This is the most entertaining stage for all to witness. I call it The Snorting Stage. Now she is laughing uncontrollably, talking like a screeching cat/Beaker, and snorting.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting The Cut-Off Stage. Needs no explaination. At this point she cant walk and barely can sit up in her chair, let alone reach up to fix her crooked tiara.

We leave today and get back Sunday. Hopefully I will have great pictures of Drunk Aunt Donna to post! Cant wait for the party to begin!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! She is going to kill you! And I am NOT protecting you...

That is so funny, you outdid yourself this time...