Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Happy 3rd...errr...4th of July!

The Fourth came and went without much hooplah. Usually we do some kind of shindig at our house on the Fourth, but having a baby who usually hits the sack at 7:30pm puts a damper on that.

What we did instead was celebrate our Independence day on the 3rd. Dad had to go back to work on the 4th and it just seemed better for everyone involved. So we had a cookout at Mom and Dad's house consisting of yummy steak, corn on the cob, and potatoes. We all ate until we went into a meat coma and decided it was time for fireworks.

I write about my anxiety from time to time so most of you know that sometimes I get this illogical sense of doom about irrational things. For some reason I got this doomy feeling about the fireworks. I dont know if it was just the anxiety or the fact that I was divebombed by a Jumping Jack when I was a kid, but the irrational fear started bubbling up and prompted a question to my sister, (who bought the fireworks), "You didnt get anything that would start a fire did you???" In my head, the question totally made sense...but as it spewed out of my mouth I realized it was retarded. My sister looked at me with that loving look that only a sister can give that says, You Dumbass, and said, "No...I got fireless works. They're just 'works'." Nothing like the sharp sarcasm of your sister to snap you out anxiety-land.

So we headed back to my house to do the Fireless Works and nothing caught on fire. (Although I think maybe the neighbors were pretty hot considering we were putting on a full-blown Fourth of July show on the Third of July.) Jubilee loved the fireworks. It was more entertaining to watch her expressions than to watch the actual fireworks. She would open her mouth in a big "O" when something made a loud boom, and she would cover her mouth and gasp at all the pretty colors...then tell us all the pretty colors she saw. When a display would crackle and sparks would spill all over, she would wiggle her body sort of like she was dancing to the noise. It was quite cute.

Last night, (the actual Fourth of July), was just a quiet, (well, almost) night at home. Jubilee went to bed at her normal time and slept right through the fireworks going off around our house. There were none actually on our street, but just the next street over. Close enough to hear and see it all. Still she slept right on through without a peep. Awesome!

The rest of this week is going to be busy. Tonight Im going to try and see Superman Returns, and tomorrow I have to be in Federal Way for a doctors appt. Troy's grandfather is in town from California so we will be hanging out with them this weekend. I think we are going to Victoria, B.C. one day. I love Victoria... and no matter how many times I go, I always have to visit the wax museum's torture chamber. Love it!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You guys always seem so busy doing one thing or another! Glad your enjoying life, as it should be. Aurora HATED the fireworks with a passion... Clinging to me for her dear little life: She wouldn't even peek at them to see the pretty lights!