Monday, January 22, 2007

Our First ER Visit

I was hoping to put this off for at least another 20 years, but apparently Jubilee had different plans.

We spent about 3 hours in the emergency room tonight resulting in 2 stitches for Juju. Yes, only two. But if you were going to count my anxiety, the tears (from both Juju and myself), and the amount of time we had to wait before even getting into the ER, you would think she had about 20 stitches.

Our mistake was rearranging the bedroom. I wanted my bed in a different spot and damn me for wanting to spruce up the bedroom a bit. I had to have Troy lift and carry out the mattress and box spring so I could clean under the bed. Dust Bunnies abound! Anyway, while the mattress and box spring were gone, Jubilee thought it was really cool to play in and around the bed frame. I should have known better, I should have paid closer attention, I should have bubble wrapped her. Right in front of my eyes, and in seemingly slow motion, I watched her trip over a pillow and slam her head into a sharp metal corner of the bed frame. She hit her forehead hard right above her eye. There was instant crying from her and instant anxiety from me. I knew it would be bad. I scooped her up and gave her to Troy while I ran to get a bandage and some alcohol to clean her wound. By the time I got back to Jubilee I realized a little Dora bandage wasnt going to cut it. Blood was pulsing from her cut, covering her hands and forehead and dripping down Troy's hand and arm. "Get in the van!", I think I remember saying. I put a paper towel over her cut and we headed for the hospital. I swear I got behind every 90 year old driver and hit every yellow light possible on the way. By the time we got there Jubilee had finished crying and most of the blood was dry. She almost looked like she was royalty at Carrie's prom. She kept looking at her hands with the dried blood on them saying, "Jelly? I got jelly on my hands?" Her cut was just oozing at this point, but I was still a mess. I was signing her in and she kept saying, "Im sorry Mommy... Im sorry." I kept telling her it wasnt her fault, and she did nothing wrong - it would all be ok. Then she said, "Dont cry Mommy, be happy. Im ok!"

My family met me at the hospital just for support I think. I was a way bigger mess than Juju was. We all watched her play in the waiting room and by the way she acted you would never have thought she was gushing blood from her forehead 30 mins before. She was saying hi to other ER patients and announcing to the them that she "had a boo-boo". Once we saw the doctor she was her usual self asking them questions and saying her normal cute things. When it was time for the stitches they burrito'd her up in a warm blanket and she thought that was pretty cool. She only cried when they gave her a few shots of the numbing agent and once those were over she calmed right down. She endured it all like such a trooper. Much better than her mommy did.

Now she is home and finally in bed. She loves to see her boo-boo in the mirror and talk about seeing the doctor. We have to go back on friday to have the stitches removed.

I still feel awful. I shouldnt have let her play around the bed frame. I should have caught her....should have ....done....something. Bad mommy.


Anonymous said...

Poor Juju!!! She is a trooper, and I bet she was such a big girl in the ER. Big hugs, girl. Spencer has had some awful accidents and I know how horrible I felt then. These kids are going to give us so much grey hair!!!

Anonymous said...

First of all, stop blaming yourself. You can not wrap her up in bubble wrap!!! Accidents happen... in fact if you wanna feel better read about my demon child in my blog. We got to have staples in head! Its the blog titled: Work.Staples.Kids.PicturePalooza.Poop.GlassPlates.Life.Blankets

I'm glad she's ok... I too, never knew how well the head bleed until 2 weeks ago. Give Juju hugs for me and take some for yourself too. Being a mom is a hard job and these kids will be our heart attacks.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the club, Staci! This is part of being a mother. Let me recall many years ago: Dana was a toddler. It was a warm spring day. We had those old webbed folding lawn chairs, and I thought it would be a perfect day to set them up on the deck. I unfolded one chair, set it up, and turned to set up the second chair. Two-year-old Miss Dana crawled into the chair when my back was turned, it tipped over cutting the inside of her lip badly on the metal arm! She bled profusely and ended up receiving seven stitches in her lip in the emergency room! (Ask her the story of when she swallowed some coins!!! That will raise the hair on your neck!) Or when five-year-old Glenn said he'd wash the car, climbed up on the hood to do a thorough job, and slashed his foot on the windshield wiper. Another emergengy room visit, this time with a drunken derelict in the next curtained bed using profanity!! I was horrified. Thank goodness our children grow up in spite of us. We love you, and you are a WONDERFUL mother to WONDERFUL Jubilee! We are proud of you.

eaf said...

Wow... this whole thing sounds SOOOOOOOOOO familiar. :-) Don't you just love how kids can remain calm and cool while you fall apart? It all comes from them not understanding their own mortality... a blessing and a curse.