Sunday, May 07, 2006

The Insanity that is Tom Cruise

Anyone that knows me knows that I think Tom Cruise is a nutball. In fact, most of the people I talk to think that way too. In the past few months alone hes done and said enough crazy things to make a casual movie-goer wonder if he is off his psycotropic meds..(oh wait...he doesnt use any because its a "false" science). My disdain for Mr. Cruise goes back farther. Especially when he publically condemned Brooke Shields for using medication to treat her post partum depression.

I had a little bit of PPD, and A LOT of PPA (post partum anxiety). I know that had I not sought help and taken a small dosage of medication to relieve the anxiety, I would be in very bad shape today. But even if I were lucky enough to not experience either of those things, I would know Tom Cruise talks out of his ass and he has apparently mistaken it for his brain.

Since the whole Brooke Shields/Matt Lauer/Oprah Winfrey thing, he continues to push Scientology to the front of his infamy. Its sad really....he's become just like Michael Jackson. So much money, so much fame....and no one in his life to say, " need to put the coo-coo back in the clock." He has gone off the deep end so much so that its trickling into his career. Even Mission Impossible III is doing realllllllllllllly bad at its open weekend at the box office. Totally underwhelming. So much so that at theaters close to the Hollywood Scientology Center are reporting strange ticket sale patterns.
M for Manipulation is RIGHT..... CREEEEEEPY!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is a nut, and I totaly LMAO at the "coo-coo back into the clock" comment!