Tuesday, May 02, 2006

My Icky Eye: Closer to a Diagnosis

Are you guys sick of hearing about my eye yet? When I first started to blog about this, I thought it was just a weird thing that would go away in no time. But now I feel like its become a strange journey. Again, I appreciate all your calls and emails asking for updates and well wishes.

The truth is, I think its much less scary than what its all sounded like. My eye has never really been in pain and I still feel like its just a fluke wacko thing.

My eye doctor did call me last night with the final report of my cat scan. What that showed was the inflammation is not just on the surface of my eye but all around it. So the drops were making the surface look better, but behind the eye was still inflamed. There are several things that could be causing this. Some auto-immune disease or a connective tissue disorder. OR a Pseudo tumor. I go in for blood work today to test for those things. If they are negative, my eye doctor will treat my eye for a pseudo tumor. That sounds MUCH scarier than what it is. Basically what it boils down to is: Unexplained Chronic Inflammation. Treatment for that is Prednisone which I am NOT happy about if indeed its pseudo tumor. But I guess I will worry about that when I need to.

I have an appt on Thursday to hear the results of the blood test and talk about a treatment. I will keep you updated. Thanks for checking in on me!

1 comment:

eaf said...

Gah! And we thought pink eye was bad. It's like you have perma-pinkeye! I hope you get better soon. How irritating that must be.