Sunday, May 21, 2006

Insomnia Speaks

Its 3:21am and I cant sleep. Ive been tossing and turning since about 1am. Jubilee joined me in the no-sleep marathon at 2am and she is just now falling back to sleep. I had to tell her she needed her rest for tomorrow because it was the day of her party. "PAAAAAHTEEEE???" This exclamation was accompanied by her "surprised" face. Its a big expression with her mouth shaped in a big "O". I didnt think she could grasp the concept of a birthday party yet, but as she is falling asleep right now, she is singing, "Happy Day to Jujuuuuuu....Happy Day!" Thats her version of Happy Birthday.

I just cant seem to shut my mind off tonight. Thinking lots about Juju's party, (which isnt really a birthday party as much as a small family BBQ), my stupid icky eye situation, my cousin Janet's boob, and how dirty my house is even tho I spent much of yesterday working on it. I know I will love having everyone over my house tomorrow, Im just not a hostess for the most part. I dont usually have houseguests, and the people who do come over regularly know that Im not a very good housekeeper and that a toddler rules the cleanliness of my castle at the mo. I mean, my house isnt DIRTY, but if you looked in the shower for example, there are scribblings on the tile of bath crayons and a myriad of toys and of kid-friendly soaps. In a corner of every room is a basket too-full of toys, and probably a sippy cup or two in various states of fullness lying on the floor. And we wont even talk about dog hair. Oy. OH..and the refridgerator....OMG. It has bubbling tupperware of which the contents are unrecognizable. When I clean out the refridgerator Im usually uttering, "When did I make THAT!?" several times. If my cousin Glen were still in school for forensic science, I would call him up and tell him I had some good specimens for him to study.

Hmm...maybe I should be cleaning instead of blogging.... NAAAAH!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Staci.....YOU ROCK! You are a great writer. I enjoy the JuJu stories...I knew you would be a great mom. Hope to talk to ya soon. . . CAROL and THE BOYS